Tag: Stanford

How To – Setup Your Mac To Fold

Coming soon!

Fold4Jesus Reaches 5,000,000 Points

From our humble beginnings 2 months ago we’ve grown to reach five million points today! The team is also currently ranked in the top 1,000 teams in the world. Fold on!

elitez28 Folding Farm Additions

Friday morning the UPS man stopped by and left a stack of Newegg boxes at the door, I grabbed them and made a bee-line for the test bench. 20 minutes later phase 1 of the new folding farm rig was ready to rock. I installed Windows 7 Pro and the graphics drivers, prepared my console …

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Fold4Jesus Reaches 1,000,000 Points

Starting 3 weeks ago with no points we’ve reached our first million points today! The team is also currently ranked in the top 3,100 teams in the world. Fold on!

How To – Setup Your PS3 To Fold

Getting Started   How do I get a copy of Folding@home for the PS3?   If you have a PS3 with the latest system update installed, Folding@home is now included in the “Life With Playstation” application. If not, you should navigate to system settings, scroll to the top and install the latest system upgrade. How …

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