Climbing as fast as we can, and folding harder than ever, team Fold 4 Jesus is currently ranked in the top 4,500 teams in the world. This news comes only two weeks after starting at the bottom of the team ranks! New hardware will be coming online in the elitez28 folding farm to sustain our climb to the top. Jump in with whatever hardware you have and put help put God’s name in the top 100!!
Feb 06
If you are folding in God’s name then why not join team 31630 or team 626?
I was folding for 626 (ranked 3rd on their leaderboard), the thing is there’s no way to interact with those teams. I want to drive people to the site where I can post updates on the team, current events in the world relating to the Lord, and allow the team to communicate. If I could have added a website to Jesus Freaks I would’ve stayed on.